Thursday, 26 March 2020

Day 8 Words of the Day

Words - When Breath Becomes Air

1) Polymath - a person wide knowledge/learning, a person who knows a lot of many different subjects

  • He was a polymath and was offered a history scholarship before opting for medicine
2) Maudlin -tearfully/weakly emotional,foolishly sentimental
  • a maudlin story of a little orphan and her lost dog.
3) Austere - stern and cold in appearance or manner
  • He was an austere man,with a rigidly puritanical outlook
                  - markedly simple,plain
  • an austere style of writing 
4) Prose - written or spoken language in its ordinary form,without metrical structure
  • a short story in prose
  • her prose was quite lyrical,almost poetic in a way
5) Brim - to fill or be full to the top
  • She's brimming with confidence
  • The philanthropist naturally loves his fellow man and is brimming with first-order desires to help.
6) Poignant - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
  • A poignant reminder of the passing of time
  • The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days,
7) Wry - showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly funny
  • a wry smile/comment
8) Gaunt - very thin,especially because of sickness or hunger.
  • Her face was gaunt and grey
- empty and not attractive
  • The house looked gaunt and unwelcoming
9) Haggard - looking exhausted and unwell,especially from fatigue,worry or suffering.
  • She was pale and haggard
  • He'd been drinking the night before and was looking abit haggard.
10) Intricacy - the quality or state of being intricate (complicated)
  • She admired the composition for its beauty and intricacy.
  • I enjoyed the film,but I couldn;t follow all the intricacies of the plot.
11) Commiserate - express/ feel sympathy or pity (sympathize)
  • She went over to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances,
  • I began by commiserating with her over the defeat.
12) Plausible - seeming reasonable or probable
  • a plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the government
  • ...The plausibility of the theory
13) Juxtaposed - to put things that are not similar side by side
  • Black and white photos of slums were starkly(obvious) juxtaposed with colour images
  • The exhibition juxtaposes Picasso's early drawing with some of his later works.
14) Therein - in or into a particular place,thing
  • It is a thrilling tale of a haunted house and the ghosts therein.
  • therein lies the problem
15) Ferocious - savagely fierce,cruel,or violent
  • a ferocious predator
  • a ferocious butchery of women and children.
16) Cinch - something that is very easy or certain to be done/happen
  • Training a puppy is a cinch of you bribe him with treats
  • His advice cinched her decision to accept the offer.
17) Meek - quiet,gentle and easily imposed
  • She brought her meek little husband along
  • She seemed so very meek and mild.
18) Reprieve - an escape from a bad situation or experience
  • the injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain
19) Culmination - The point at which an event or series of events ends,having developed until it reaches this point.
  • Winnig first prize was the culmination of years of practice and hard work
  • The book was a fitting culmination to his career.
20) Amalgam - a mixture or blend
  • a curious amalgam of the traditional and the modern

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