Friday, 7 June 2019

Post Raya 2019

I'm going back to where I belong.To pursue what people call a dream is a difficult things to face especially after a week of holiday.Spending time with family,being lazy all day,having fun with the my nieces is just a splendid things to do.But now,it all comes to an end where everything is coming back to pieces and you gotta face it cause the time won't just stop and it keeps on going.

Raya 2019 is definitely one of my best raya I ever had.Maybe because I actually spent time with my family and we had a great picture together.Its gonna be a moment where i will always cherish it!
However,a week just past like that and people are going back to where we supposed to be and honestly i'm not ready for that.

Oh god,please help me by giving me the peace and guidance towards all the difficulties that I will face.Amin